Saturday, December 8, 2018

Go fund me page my little brother created

Hey guys I have had some Christmas blessings just recently and now my brother Edward could use some.

He has created a go fund me page to raise money for car repairs that he desperately needs. Until he gets the repairs he is not able to drive his car which leaves him in a very bad spot. He needs this car fixed so that he can get to and from work. And he also drives his little girl in his car.

So even if it’s just $5 (or less, whatever you can afford to spare) maybe we all can work together to get him the help he needs.

He has never asked me for help before, so I want to help him as much as I can. And one way I can do that is by sharing his go fund me page.

So if you can’t donate can you please share this post with the rest of the family/friends.